Prix Galien

In the world of medical devices, we have two prestigious categories:

The most innovative medical device

Honours a medical device that can lead to better treatment.

The most promising design

Dedicated to a young company showcasing an innovative product

Want to know if your product or service meets the Prix Galien requirements?
Have a look at the REGULATIONS.

Mark youR calendAr for the grand event!

Get ready for another thrilling recognition of groundbreaking healthcare innovation presented by Artsenkrant – le Journal du médecin

The Prix Galien for Medical Devices is scheduled to take place in Bluepoint Brussels on March 14, 2024, in conjunction with the MedTechMeetup 2024 event.

To express your interest in submitting one or more entries for the Prix Galien for Medical Devices (9th edition), kindly complete the application form before 30 November 2023: